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Bible Studies by Rhonda Small

Open Your Mind

To The Ultimate Bible Study 

Made in digital and physical formats,

The Gates is a revolutionary new Bible study about Nehemiah.



By just reading a Bible study, your life can change in an instant.

Walking the gates of Nehemiah can provide interesting insight to all Christians, and a guided pathway for new believers.  The history of Nehemiah shows God's hand in completely changing the lives of the returning Jewish exiles in 52 days through work by prayerful, guided men and women. This pattern of completion, could also be a lesson in our walk with Christ to understand that we must know what Jesus wants for our lives and His service. 

About Rhonda Small, 

 Founder of Six Wings


Rhonda Small began to facilitate bible studies about 20 years ago in Powder Springs, Georgia.  Previewing perspective class ideas was often challenging because of the varying degree of knowledge each individual brings. Two years ago, after hearing a bible verse in a sermon, it was placed on her heart to investigate, research and write about the Lord's servant, Nehemiah, and the experience of his calling. The Gates is a look into one of the most fascinating, obedient men who served God, and how it can help shape and expand our journey with Christ.  Hopefully this will speak to many people on different levels of their Christian walk, as we all learn more about God every day of our lives.

Rhonda Small currently resides in Atlanta, and has two sons. She hopes to continue writing more lessons with practical applications and insights into the bible while serving the Lord.


The Mission

Rev. 4:8 tells us many things about heaven, but mostly speaks of God's eternal nature.  Six Wings will always strive for studying the Glory of God through vigilance, and knowledge that the Word is complete.



Rev. 4:8  Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under its wings. Day and night they never stop saying:

“‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty,’[a] who was, and is, and is to come.”

Rhonda is a devoted student of the Bible who consistently delivers an in-depth understanding of the Word that prompts spiritual and intellectual growth.
— Tammy, The Gates Reader
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